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2017-03-13 March
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
March 13, 2017
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 7:05 PM present were, Tubby Boucher, John Barrett, Ray Boyes , Roger Rapoza Drew Funk and Pam Haman.

Minutes: The February 13, 2017 minutes were amend and approved with the changes. Minutes from the October 20, 2106 and October 2015 meeting are pending review.

Correspondence: A request to use the common was received via e mail.  Roger asked the Commissioners if it was appropriate to ask what the purpose was for.  The Commissioners felt that it was very appropriate to ask and get additional information.  Roger will follow up.

Bills were reviewed, approved and signed.

Appointments: none

Eagle Scout Project: Suggested that a pad approx 10ft by 20ft for a cooking area in the back of the common.  Area might be constructed with pavers or some type of porous brick.  It was felt that a concrete pad would have
ponding areas and not suitable.
Budget:  The Cemetery & Parks Department will meet with the Board of Selectmen on 3/21/16 to review the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
Flag on Poles on Main Street:  Tubby is trying to set up a meeting with the American Flag Comm. and Town Admin.  No one from the town hall has gotten back to Tubby.
Staff Evaluations:  The Commissioners will do Roger’s evaluation for this year.  Next year his evaluation may be a combination of Town Admin. and Commissioners. John still has concerns on how this will actually work.
The other department employee’s evals will be done by Roger.
Spring Clean up:  The department has started cleaning the cemeteries and parks of debris.  Several truck loads  of old xmas and other  decorations have been cleared from  the cemeteries.
Outdoor Maintenance at Municipal Buildings:  It appears from the Facilities Managers job description that he is responsible for snow removal from the sidewalks however the department continues to do them. A discussion was held on the continuing of outdoor maintenance at other town buildings.  It was felt that the department has many ongoing projects involving the parks and cemetery.  John made a motion to notify Town Hall that the department will no longer be able to do outdoor maintenance at the Library, Senior Center, Police and Fire Stations.  Ray second all were in favor.  A letter will be sent to the Selectmen after John meets with Jim Kreidler, Town Administrator.
Superintendents Report:  Staffing: Tim is still working for the department and the paper work for Nicholas McCool has been submitted to Town Hall.  The department also received an application from Don Massucco (Tree Warden).  Roger wasn’t sure if he would be able to use him and there was also some concern about working in two town departments and what the regulations around that might be if any.

Next meeting; April 10, 2017

Meeting adjourned 8:25 PM


Pam Haman

Approved and signed by Commissioners at meeting on April 10, 2017